Facility planning

Facility planning


When budget is confirmed on central level the next step is to fill the budget and plan the week. Check Confirm Budget on Central level

The proper access right and configuration should be added to the person in charge of facility planning. Check Access rights and settings

This person will receive an email, with direct link to week template, in case if proper message template is configured. Check Message templates - Class Manager

Fill the week

It is possible to fill the week by Drug and Drop budget to the week table.

It is not restricted to use whole budget that was added during “central planning”. Each facility responsible person can fill the week template on their own decisions

On Drop

When class is dropped, you have to specify room and time (in a case of Dynamic time products)

The other way to do it is to choose a room in the filter at the top and drop classes directly to selected room. It is the easiest way to plan classes, since in the whole week view, it is hard to manage all rooms at once.

When all classes planned and rooms assigned, save week template by clicking “Save” button at the bottom.


Additional message to instructors for each period

It is possible to leave short message with impornant information for all instructors who will request classes.

This message will be visible in Instructors request page