Entrance sales in Point of Sale
It is not possible to buy entrances based on the same product for different days/slots at the same time.
Entrance products without capacity
Can be sold in POS.
POS supports selling entrances in future dates also. The default date is today and the user can select a future date also.
There is a now a system setting (BRP employee only) to enable/disable the date selection while selling entrances.
Setting: enableEntranceDateAndSlotSelection
Default Value: True
After adding the entry product, the user can select a different date if today is not the date the customer is looking for.
For that click the edit receipt row button of the order item.
When the user tries to select a future date and the limitDaysForwardForEntryBooking setting is enabled.
Entrance products with capacity/slots
POS supports selling entrances with capacity (products with a resource requirement).
There is a system setting(BRP employee only) to enable/disable the date and slot selection while selling entrances.
Setting: enableEntranceDateAndSlotSelection
Default Value: True
When there is no default slot/slot with space
There will be a confirmation dialog asking ‘There are no slots until yyyy/mm/dd. Would you like to continue?’
Yes: Continue and the slot is empty (select a specific date and a slot after that)
No: Remove the register item
After adding the entry product, the user can select a date and a slot if the default slot is not the entrance the customer is looking for.
For that click the edit receipt row button of the order item.
When the user tried to do actions like pay, invoice, installment… with incomplete entries
The entry doesn’t has a slot
The selected slot doesn’t have enough capacity
Receipt Row presentation in Point of Sale
The date of the entrance is valid for
Start and end time of the selected slot
Printing entry ticket in Point of Sale
Printing entry tickets on receipt printer that can be used for admittance through QR/Barcode readers is automatic if checked on the product:
Whether you want QR or Barcode to be printed is configurable
Setting: “Entry”. Choose between <bar>${entre.cardNumber}</bar> or <qr>${entre.cardNumber}</qr>