Create invoice

Create invoice

This documentation describes the different input fields and buttons shown in the ‘Create invoice’ modal.




Paying organization:




Select [organization X] as payer:











The customer which this invoice is for. This is normally preselected.


If the invoice should go to an organization instead of a specific person, add the organization here.

The adress of the customer. This is normally preselected from the customer.

If the person is connected to an organization, this button automatically preselects the connected organization. If the person is not connected to an organization, this button will not be shown.

The facility where the order took place. This is normally preselected.

The invoice reference. The people to choose from on this list are those added to the facility.

Field to add a label that will be shown on the invoice.

Number of the order that is being invoiced.


Field to add a message that will be shown on the invoice.




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