
BRP Cloud version: 2022.07

Configuration > Staff and resources > Staff

Staff can be listed in three ways:

  • “is designated staff at” is a default option (previsously staff search worked by this criteria)

  • has employee number for company lists persons with an employee set for a specific company

    • Uses the new functionality that allows that employee number is set on company level and not on system level.

    • Automatically selects first company from company dropdown as default

    • Disables facility dropdown

  • “has access to”

    • The search result always includes persons with accesstoallcompaniesandunits set to true

    • If you select only facility - then search result includes persons with access to this facility

    • If you select only company - then search result includes persons with access to selected company + person with access to any facility within this company *

    • If you select company and facility - then search result contain persons with access to company and person with access to selected unit

    • If you unselecet both company and facility - then search result includes persons with access to any company or facility