Pay with Smartum in Point of Sale

Pay with Smartum in Point of Sale


This feature is currently in a test phase and is not yet available to configure and start using. This documentation will be updated when it is ready to activate.


Users should on the behalf of customers be able to pay with Smartum in Point of Sale.


To recieve payments through Smartum, you need to:








Root URL of Smartum API. (Production env: https://api.smartum.fi)
Same for all customers.


JWT public key from Smartum API JWT public keys
Same for all customers.


Authorization client ID provided by Smartum. Customer needs to contact Smartum to get this ID.
Customer specific.


Authorization client secret provided by Smartum. Customer needs to contact Smartum to get this Secret.
Customer specific.


The ID of the venue receiving the payment. This can be found under the “Online Payment” section in the Smartum portal.
Example: ven_pDmadXvNHA6XWoew
Customer specific.


Benefit type of Smartum payments.
Example: exercise, massage
Customer specific.

After that, enable the Smartum Payment Method from ConfigurationPayment Method.

Then, add Smartum as a payment method in the Register from Configuration → Registers.

Limit which products that can be paid using Smartum


It is possible to limit which products that can be purchased with Smartum. This works by adding a specific product label to the products that users should be able to pay for with Smartum, and then add that product label to the setting below:






Select a product label

Payment Flow

  1. Add the product to the cart in Point of Sale.

  2. The customer (payer) opens the mobile app “SmartumPay” where they will have to search for the location to where they want to make the payment, then enter the amount they should pay.

    1. Once the customer has finalized their payment, the app will show a receipt with a QR-code.

  3. Click on the Smartum payment button in Point of Sale.

  4. Scan the QR-code shown on the customer’s receipt in the SmartumPay app.

  5. Once you have scanned the QR-code, the amount paid through Smartum will automatically be validated.


If QR Scanner is not available

  1. Go through step 1-3 as explained above.

  2. If you can’t scan the receipt QR-code, you will have to validate the payment manually. Ask to see the receipt on the customer’s app to make sure the payment is finalized and note the amount that was paid with Smartum

  3. Once the “Scan Smartum QR code” modal is presented, click on the “Enter number” button.

  4. Enter the amount that was paid using Smartum → click OK, then click Complete.


Receipts that were partially or fully paid by Smartum can be refunded through POS as usual.

If the validation QR-code was scanned during the purchase, the amount will be automatically returned to the customer’s Smartum account.

If the QR-code was not scanned, you will be asked to enter the transaction ID of the Smartum payment in order to complete the refund. This transaction ID always starts with tx_, and can be found on the receipt in the customer’s SmartumPay app.

For example, it can look something like: tx_R60D21hL60bj5N1v




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