

Objektet person

Object: Person

The person card contains several tabs with different types of information about the customer.

Person This section displays, among other things, customer number, phone number, address, social security number, card number, photo, etc.

Address, Invoice Address

When entering a postal code, the city is automatically looked up. This requires having a correct list of all numbers. This list is updated by selecting Help > Update Postal Codes. The lookup occurs for Sweden, Norway, and Finland according to the following rules:

  • Lookup occurs when you tab out of the postal code field.

  • Norwegian postal codes have 4 digits. If the entered postal code is in the Norwegian postal code list, "Country" will change to Norway, and the city will be written there.

  • Swedish and Finnish postal codes have 5 digits, and some of the postal codes overlap. The "Country" field determines whether the Swedish or Finnish city name is looked up.

  • The default country for new addresses is determined by the client setting brp.locale, which is changed by BRP support.

Phone Numbers

In Sweden and Finland, phone numbers not starting with 0 will be presented with a leading zero in the person list and all phone fields in BRP Cloud. (TP48214 / 2022.4003)

Market Primarily used by salespeople to quickly find a certain group of people during, for example, mailings, as several fields are searchable.

Messages Internal messages are displayed during booking or lookup of the person. Notes are only displayed when actively opened on the person card. Customer messages are displayed in online booking and the customer kiosk.

Member Customer type, price list, missed activities, and suspensions.

Subscriptions and Value Cards


Access Function Meaning

  • Requires special entrance: Opens the accessibility entrance instead of the regular entrance.

  • Override anti-passback: Allow unlimited entries without a time lock per entrance.

Visits, bookings, and previous purchases.

Economy Purchases and payment methods.

Invoices Invoices with status.

Distribution method for invoices.

Agreements Agreements that have been signed or should be signed.

Customer Journal (setting) Information visible only to the practitioner.

Person Card

History History and documents

Custom Custom-defined fields.

Action buttons on the person card

(Changes in TP52556 / 2023.33)

When the person card is opened as a side panel (for example from the person list)

  • OK

  • Save

  • Close

  • Report

  • Become user

  • Syncronization to external systems (if enabled)

  • Exorlive (if the integration is enabled)

  • Take to register

  • Person registry excerpt (if GDPR tools is enabled)


When the person card is opened in a dialogue (for example from Point of Sale)

  • OK

  • Save

  • Close

  • Become user

  • Syncronization to external systems (if enabled)

  • Exorlive (if the integration is enabled)