Membership period

Membership period


Membership periods are used if you for example want to sell subscriptions that require a membership, but doesn't give membership itself (meaning you sell your membership separately from the regular subscription). This functionality works in Point of Sale, as well as the web & app. 

Membership period with fixed dates

A membership period with fixed dates is configured to always start and end on the same date, for example 1/1/2024 - 31/12/2024.

Create a membership period

BRP Configuration > Subscriptions > Membership period

  1. Click on + (plus sign).

  2. Enter a name (for example: Member 2024)

  3. Choose a subscription product. This product will be added to the order when purchasing a regular subscription, so it is this product's price, length, name etc., that the customer will adhere to. Make sure the subscription product has a fixed time period that matches with the intended membership period.

  4. Choose a period, this is the period for which this membership applies, preferably the same period as the product's fixed commitment term.

  5. Enter an age range; if no age range is specified, the membership period applies to all ages.

  6. Click on "Save" or "OK".

Example of the application of a membership period with fixed dates

A gym requires an annual membership to be eligible for training, and in addition to that, a gym subscription to access the gym.

  1. The gym subscription is set up so that it requires membership but does not provide it.

  2. Two membership periods, 'Member 2024' (2024-01-01 to 2024-12-31) and 'Member 2025' (2025-01-01 to 2025-12-31), exist, and they refer to the products 'Membership 2024' and 'Membership 2025'.

A person buys a gym subscription on June 24/2024, which spans one year. The product 'Membership 2024' is added to the order since the gym subscription starts during the 'Member 2024' period, and the product 'Membership 2025' is added as the gym subscription extends into the 'Member 2025' period. Thus, there will be three subscriptions in the order.

Direct debit with "automatic renewal"

Direct debit subscriptions with automatic renewal that continue without requiring a new sale do not automatically include a membership sale. This can be resolved by Medlemsavgift via Kundkonto


 Membership period without fixed dates

(TP53144 / 2024.41)

This functionality is currently not supported by the advanced wizards

A membership period without fixed dates is configured to start any day of the year, and be valid for as long as needed (depending on the subscription product).

Create a membership period

BRP Configuration > Subscriptions > Membership period

  1. Click on + (plus sign).

  2. Enter a name

  3. Choose a subscription product. This product will be added to the order when purchasing a regular subscription, so it is this product's price, length, name etc., that the customer will adhere to.

  4. Choose a period that extends for a long time, for example 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2099.

  5. Enter an age range; if no age range is specified, the membership period applies to all ages.

  6. Click on "Save" or "OK".

Example of the application of a membership period without fixed dates

A gym requires a membership to be eligible for training, and in addition to that, a gym subscription to access the gym.

  1. The gym subscription is set up so that it requires membership but does not provide it.

  2. One membership period exist, which extends to several years in the future and refer to the product 'Membership'.

A person buys a gym subscription on June 24/2024, which spans one year. The product 'Membership' is added to the order and extends from the start date to the end date of the gym subscription.

If the person already had a membership with a fixed period, that for example ends in December 2024, the new membership will be set to start the day after the existing one ends.


  • If you change the subscription’s start date to a future date in Point of Sale, you must manually remove and re-add the membership subscription on the order. If this step is skipped, the membership will activate immediately or right after any existing membership period, not on the same date as the regular subscription.

  • This functionality does not currently work using ‘Create subscription’ wizard.

Delete a membership period

  1. Select the membership period

  2. Click on the 'trash can icon'.

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